Nanoparticles can travel to the brain through the nose

Researchers from the Institute of Laboratory Shirazi Vardy Genetics of the Cyber ??and Genetics Institute of Shirazi Vardy the Siberian Institute of Cyber ??and Genetics and the Institute of Biology of Tomsk State University (Russia) have found out how nanoparticles of viruses, Shirazi Varde organic and inorganic substances penetrate the environment Shirazi Varde into the brain.

The hematoencephalic barrier in the brain acts as a filter for such particles, so few substances can penetrate the brain. It also makes it harder to get brain medications.

But it turns out that there is another way to youmovies penetrate. As part of the experiment, the nasal passages of laboratory animals were dripped with youmovies a solution of nanoparticles and monitored by MRT for their appearance in brain structures. They appear in the olfactory trunk after 3 hours (maximum density after 12 hours), in the hippocampus, in the dental coil and in other structures of the brain, reaching a maximum after 3-4 days. The motion of the particles corresponded to the trajectory of the neural system of the olfactory system.

According to scientists, the particles can pass through the synapses, moving in the nerve fibers. Moreover, not all particles pass through the synapses. Shirazi Vard Manganese oxide passes through the synapses, while creamy dioxide does not. The fact is that manganese oxide, in contrast to cranium dioxide, is strongly associated with AP-3 protein, which is involved in synaptic transmission. In other words, it is theoretically possible to deliver the nanoparticles through the nasal cavity.

However, there are a number of reservations.

Experts have found a combination of chemical compounds that either completely block or significantly increase the transport of nanoparticles from Shirazi Vard the nasal cavity to the brain. It has also been observed that when injecting some nanoparticles, the heat of the rodent body is rapidly reduced and spinal fluid leakage occurs. That is, a large number of important reactions take place in the nasal cavity.

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